Why Red Mark on SerieA Players’ face?

SerieA players this weekend were seen with red marks on their face. From Ron to Ibra, why had everyone got red marks on their face? Why SerieA blocked their comments section in social media last week?

SerieA players wore red marks on their face in this matchday
SerieA disabled comment section last week
Players posted their pics with loved female ones together with red mark on face
SerieA campaigning against women violence in association with the women safety organisation, WeWorldOnlus.

Club football has returned this weekend after the National break. And all the football fans all over the world gone crazy about some high-voltage matches, be is Atletico Madrid vs Barcelona in LaLiga or Tottenham vs Man city and Liverpool vs Leicester in Premier League. Well, another high voltage match took place in LigaSerieA :  Napoli vs Milan. Inevitble Zlatan scoring brace, Milan win, Ron brace before… but what caught everyone’s attention in Italy fields was players playing with a red mark on their face. Here’s the reason behind it…

SerieA disabling comments in their social Media handle:

For last few days, SerieA disabled the comment section for their posts in their official social media platforms. Fans and followers were absolutely taken aback when they found they can’t comment on the posts of their favorite league, clubs and players on the SerieA page.  A lot of posts start to pop up complaining about the incident or requesting about solution and more. Some found it to be technical fault,  some found it to be disrespectful for fans and lot more. But those who guessed, that it was pre planned were correct; well, not just pre-planned, it ended up to be great initiative and gesture to a really sensitive issue.


Let’s show violence a red card together or #UnRossoAllaViolenza. Just before this very matchday, SerieA came up with a video that reads,

“We’ve always been free to speak here. Free to show your passion, as well as your disapproval. For a few days we haven’t been able to comment.  And you felt like you have no voice. Women who are victims of violence are without a voice, forced to accept violence. Every single day, let’s speak out against this, all of us. #UNROSSOALLAVIOLENZA:  LET’s SHOW VIOLENCE A RED CARD TOGETHER.”


The caption of the video read something like this, 

“Without a voice, misunderstood, ignored. Women who are victims of physical and psychological violence are forced to accept silence every day. Lets speak out against this together. Let’s show violence a red card.”

Players posting supportive pictures:

After the post of the video, SerieA posted quite some pictures of players from the league, some with thir girlfriends, some with wives, with daughters everyone wearing RED MARK ON THEIR FACE, to show support to this great campaign. Many even posted in their own social media handles. From de Ligt to Candreva, Insigne to Alex Cordaz, Calabresi to de Roon, lots of big names there. Guerrero de Dios, posted his single pic with the same gesture.

Well, two years back in November again, SerieA teamed up with WeWorldOnlus, an organization that defends women’s rights across the world. Players then also used the red mark on their face and teams were also accompanied by women wearing a shirt supporting the campaign.  Players like Christiano Ronaldo, Paolo Dybala also showed big support then, so why not us raise our voice too. #UnRossoAllaViolenza: Let’s show violence a red card together.

Tags: SerieA , deLigt, Ronaldo, Dybala, #UnRossoAllaViolenza, women safety, no to violence, zlatan, WeWorldOnlus

An article by: Arpan Purkait

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